Iqra Younas

Iqra Younas

Software Developer at Telenor x Allente Nordic

Fee $5 FREE


1:1 Meeting
Personal Development

I have been through constant difficult times in life, So i understand when people face hardships in emotional, psychological and interpersonal aspects. I'd like to offer my understanding of life and how to handle it keeping it simple.

$5 Free

15, 30 mins

1:1 Meeting
Web development with C# .Net

Working with C# .Net and relevant technologies for 5 years now. I can help you with understanding OOP flow, creating web applications, Web APIs and Services, Javascript, LINQ and more.


15, 30 mins



Developer | Learner | People Person | Conversationalist

I would love to play a part helping someone through something. Working as a software developer for almost 5 years, I have good capabilities in coding, problem-solving, and technical domains but I also have gained good understanding of life, making through diffucult times and keeping my well-being and happiness intact. I love to make conversation, i believe it can solve most of our problems.

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How to e-meet Iqra Younas?

You can book a meeting on the available timings and connect with Jawwad Kalia via an online meeting.

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