Kamaal Hussain


Kamaal Hussain

CEO at Kamaal Hussain

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Schedule Your Growth Call Now. I am always happy to help those business owners who have realized the power of mentorship. Let us get on a call, analyze your current situation, and create a game plan.


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Business Coach

I provide business coaching to SMEs. I am on a mission to help small and medium sized business owners grow their businesses. Up till now, I have helped more than 5000 business owners in their business journey.

The basic idea of my startup lies in recognizing the importance of shifting business owners' focus from trying to handle everything by themselves to building effective teams and systems. By emphasizing the need for delegation and strategic expansion, I give business owners a unique approach to unlocking their true growth potential.

I believe entrepreneurs are the true heroes of any nation’s economy. They create jobs, pay salaries to people on time, and develop solutions and products to deliver value to their customers. Most of them do this at the cost of their lifestyle.

While building my businesses, I realized business growth is a proper step-by-step process. It is not a hit-and-trial method. I also found that there is not any proper business coach available in Pakistan who provides explicit training with a complete framework to small and medium sized business owners. Therefore, my goal is to impact and enable entrepreneurs so that they can continue their role in Pakistan’s nation-building.


Areas of expertise for which I can be contacted.

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How to e-meet Kamaal Hussain?

You can book a meeting on the available slots and connect with Kamaal Hussain via an online meeting.

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